We Provide Comprehensive Sustainable Energy Management Solutions


Years of Experience


Satisfied Clients


Positive Reviews


This is the platform and marketplace in offering sustainable energy management consultancy and training services with the aim to make organizations to maximize their profitability resulted from reduced energy and non-energy costs in the business operational activities through best energy management practices, technical solutions and training programs to build the human capital.

With the vast experience and competencies of our expert consultants and strategic partners in the Malaysian market, zaini4ee.com is very committed to be the one-stop centre as the avenue to provide comprehensive sustainable energy management solutions through management and technological strategies and training services


Our Mission & Vision

To become the strategic partner in reducing business operational costs through sustainable energy management system.
To thrive as a recognized and trusted platform for consultancy and training services in energy efficiency industry at local and regional markets.
AOTS - Irin Kang SF Irin KangGeneral Manager, NYK Engineering & Trading Sdn Bhd

ZAINI is a well respected and recognised professional in the arena of energy management. He is passionate in what he doing, is well organised, goal oriented and an inspiring team leader. It was my pleasure to work with ZAINI.

Ir. Mohd Normarzuki YaacobManaging Director at Bayubali Engineering Sdn Bhd

An expert in Energy Management. I came to know him when we are attending the Energy Management for Malaysia with Energy Conseration Center of Japan (ECCJ) in Japan in August 2008. His expertise in Energy Management is wonderful and I'm sure the energy practitioner need to engage with him for energy related projects.

Steve Anthony Lojuntin (Asetip)Director, Energy Demand Management (Energy Efficiency) at Sustainable Energy Development Strategy (SEDA Malaysia)

Zaini was the responsible for crafting the EPP9 implementation program. He practically started from a junior engineer and had gone through series of energy efficiency projects that lead him to be one of the energy management expert in Malaysia.

Lalchand GulabraiDirector G&P Professionals Sdn Bhd.

I worked with En. Zaini at the PEMANDU NKEA Lab on Oil, Gas & Energy (June/July 2010), as well as while he was at ST & KeTTHA when he was engaged on EE/DSM activities. He was meticulous & results oriented during these periods of our interaction.

Lets Talk

Great relationships start often start with a great conversation. Drop us a message and let’s see how we can assist you and your organisation!

Email: info@zaini4ee.com

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